Prof. Willem van Scheik

“We study the reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes that is harbored by the gut microbiota”

To increase our collective understanding of the evolution and spread of antibiotic resistance in human pathogens: This is the overall purpose of EvoTAR (Evolution and Transfer of Antibiotic Resistance), which will organize a International Conference (ICETAR2015) on this item in June (24-26). With Prof. Willem van Scheik (Department of Medical Microbiology, University Utrecht) spoke Carola […]

Second PPS by ECDC (2016-2017): What can we expect?

ECDC is organising a second point prevalence survey (PPS) of HAI and antimicrobial use in acute care hospitals. With Carl Suetens, Senior Expert Healthcare-associated infections at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control spoke Carola Timmel. On May 5 you mentioned (at the symposium on the International day of Hand Hygiene in the Austrian […]

Why are 162 deaths less interesting than 2.400 deaths?

162 deaths between 1 January and 31 May 2015 – this was communicating the Federal Ministry of the Interior today (1 June) via Austria Press Agency (APA). Without a doubt: 162 deaths are too much. But why nobody is shocked by the 2.400 people who die each year in Austria due to nosocomial infections? Like […]

Hospital infections are costly for hospitals and economies!

Nosocomial infections prolong hospitalization and require more diagnostic and treatment expenses. The systematic implementation of proven prevention measures should get more attention, so the tenor of an event organised by the “Initiative für mehr Sicherheit im OP” and the “Plattform Patientensicherheit” in Vienna at the end of May. British data show that the duration of […]

Congratulations from Didier Pittet to the actual Hand Hygiene Excellence Award winner

Dr. Michael Borg´s team from the Mater Dei Hospital in Malta has just been given the Hand Hygiene Excellence Award 2015 by the University of Geneva Hospitals WHO Collaborating Centre on Patient Safety. The infection control unit-team slashed a superbug problem through strict hygiene campaign. The background oft he success-story in short: because of extensive […]

It´s okay to ask?

Can we all get even better in our Hand Hygiene Compliance? This was the title of an investigation, presented on May, 5 on the occasion of the National Infection Conference in Malta. With Noel Abela, MSc Infection Control and Public Health from the Mater Dei Hospital in Malta  spoke Carola Timmel. Mr. Abela, one week ago […]

ESCMID warns: Europe may surpass one million deaths due to ineffective antibiotics by 2025

The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease (ESCMID) has warned that Britain and Europe collectively could face more than a million deaths in an impending “Antibiotic Armageddon” unless more is done to develop new cures, rapid diagnostics and preventative measures. The spread of drug resistant diseases must be combatted, recently said ESCMID President […]

Message from Professor Didier Pittet, supporter of the Semmelweis Foundation, on the occation of May, 5 (hand hygiene day)

Dear friends, dear colleagues, dear participants to the Semmelweis conference last March in Vienna, The world Health Organization (WHO) Hand Hygiene day on the 5th of May is approaching. However, this year is different. 2015 is the 10th anniversary of the WHO Clean Care is Safe Care program and we would like you to help […]

Researchers have traced the ways of MRSA-germs in real time

Hospital germs endanger patients. To understand their distribution and prevent a spreading in the future, French researchers have traced the ways of MRSA-germs in real time. With wireless sensors they recorded all personal contacts. Conclusion of the recently published study (Plos Computational Biology): Contact networks inform on the risk of transmission and thus warrant a […]

Hermann Gröhe

10-point plan: German health minister has declared war on nosocomial infections

In Germany each year about 10.000 to 15.000 people die because of nosocomial infections. With a 10-point programme the German Federal Minister of Health, Hermann Gröhe, wants to reduce this number dramatically. At the top of the priority list is the mandatory reporting of nosocomial infections. The ÖGKH (Austrian Society for Hospital Hygiene) welcomes the […]