Highly promising Ebola vaccine, developed with Austrian participation, goes into phase II

Research projects to prevent and cure the Ebola virus run at full speed. Among the most promising vaccines is a live vaccine, based on the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV). Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Ramharter from the MedUni Vienna is one of the researches developing this new vaccine. Until now Ebola has killed more than 10.000 people […]

WHO Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan

7 April – WHO dedicates its 2015 World Health Day to food safety

Food safety is a hidden and often overlooked problem. For these reasons, the WHO is dedicating its 2015 World Health Day to food safety. In this regard Austria is one of the safest countries in the world. Yet about 0,4 percent of the food samples are harmful to health. Everyone needs food, and food must […]

Ebola outbreak – where are we one year later?

The Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, is a year old this days. According to the official counts there are infected 25.000 people and 10.000 are killed. What were the failures and what are the challenges in dealing with this disease? With Prof. Didier Pittet from the WHO Collaborating Centre on Patient Safety spoke […]

Mers-CoV: WHO published new Global Alert!

Exactly three years after the first case of MERS-CoV (April 2012) the WHO is informing about the recent developments concerning the disease. Until now there has been notified 1075 cases (including at least 404 deaths) worldwide. “In order to interrupt the chain of infection, we have to focus on the transmission of MERS-CoV from dromedary […]

Tuberculosis: Old lady in new outfit!

In Europe tuberculosis is causing deaths of nearly 38.000 people each year. 85 percent oft the new cases occur in 18 high-risk countries such as Ukraine, Bulgaria or Moldova. The fight against Mycobacterium tuberculosis is difficult because oft he rising number of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), says Vera Katalinic-Jankovic from the Croatian National Institute of […]

MRSA-study: bacteria are nesting in households

A recent study of MRSA shows an interesting picture: Easily transmissible bacteria remain for years and continue to develop. Carola Timmel spoke with the head of the study, Prof. Michael David from the University of Chicago Biological Sciences. (short summary in german: MRSA Erreger nisten sich in Haushalten ein: Eine kürzlich veröffentlichte Studie über MRSA […]

Conclusio of the first Semmelweis CEE Conference on Hospital Hygiene and Patient Safety: There is much to do!

“We learn more from non success-stories”, said Pamela Rendi-Wagner (Austrian Ministry of Health) in view of the failures in terms of hospital hygiene during the last decades. This statement was one of many important statements and ideas expressed on the first Semmelweis CEE Conference on Hospital Hygiene and Patient Safety (3rd and 4th March) in […]

Maureen Spencer: Recent studies show that SSIs have huge impact for patients and public health.

Approximately 4.1 million people fall sick each year in Europe with infections they acquire in hospital. The proportion of surgery-related wound infections (surgical site infections, SSI) makes with 17 percent a considerable part. Dr. Maureen Spencer, one of the pioneers in the field “Infection Control” tells about important measures to reduce SSIs. (in german: Etwa […]

Influenza-Impfung 2015: Haben sich Virologen verschätzt?

Nur 23 Prozent beträgt der Schutzfaktor des aktuellen Influenza-Impfstoffes (für die Nordhalbkugel). Dies liegt an den heuer so stark vertretenden A/H3N2-Viren. Gegen diesen Erreger ist die Impfung wirkungslos. “Österreich steht an der Schwelle zu einer Virus-Influenza-Welle”, sagte der Leiter des Virologie-Departments der MedUni Wien, Franz X. Heinz Anfang Jänner. Rund einen Monat später ist diese […]

Markus Zeitlinger

“New Drugs 4 Bad Bugs” – Europäische Initiative gegen gramnegative Erreger soeben gestartet

Gramnegative Erreger sind eine große Gefahr – zwei Drittel aller Todesfälle aufgrund Antibiotika-resistenter Bakterien werden von multiresistenten, gramnegativen Erregern verursacht. Das belastet die europäische Wirtschaft pro Jahr mit geschätzten 1,5 Milliarden Euro. Mit dem europäischen Programm „New Drugs 4 Bad Bugs“ der Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), welches Ende Jänner 2015 startete, will man dieser Entwicklung […]