Elke Schindler

Dr. Elke Schindler, MU

Personal Details               Dr. Elke Schindler, MU

Vocational Training

2015Master Degree in Quality Management in the European Healthcare Systems, Universita Degli Studi Di Udine
2013Diploma – Doctor for Infection Control (Hospital Hygiene)
1998Diploma of medical specialist for Anaesthesia and Intensivcare
1992Diploma for General Practitioner
1989Doctorate Degree – Physician for General Medicine, Karl- Franzens University, Graz

Work Experience

Since 2017Project leader of the Antibiotic Stewardship Program
Since 2014Medical leader of the Quality Management Group
Since 2014Deputy Doctor for Hospital Hygiene
Since 2013Member of the Quality Management Group
Since 2012Member of the Hospital Hygiene Group
Since 2010Head of Infectious Diseases and Surveillance on the Department for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, KABEG- LKH Villach
Since 1998Senior Physician of the Department for Anesthesiology and Intensive care, KABEG- LKH Villach