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Vlastimil Jindrák

Vlastimil Jindrák

Studies in 3rd Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague, CZ, graduated 1985. The first working position as junior expert at Dept. of Medical Microbiology, Strakonice Hospital (1985-1987). Microbiologist at State Medicine Agency, Prague (1987-1990). Specialisation at medical mikrobiology 1st degree 1988, 2nd degree 1994. Dept. of Clinical Microbiology and Antibiotic Centre, Na Homolce Hospital, Prague (1990-2014), head of department (1992-2014), head of hospital team on prevention and control of infections (2007-2014). Senior expert at the national coordination group for CZ EU presidency in 2009 (priority of antimicrobial resistence and healthcare associated infections), member of preparatory group for Council Recommendation on Patient Safety incl. Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infections (DG-SANCO, 2007-2009). Head of the National Reference Centre on Heathcare Associated Infections, National Institute of Public Health, Prague (2012-). National focal point for antimicrobial resistence (ECDC, ARHAI program, 2006-2011), National focal point for healthcare associated infections (ECDC, ARHAI program, 2012-).