World Hand Hygiene Day 2023

World Hand Hygiene Day 2023
World Hand Hygiene Day 2023
The time has come – again. The international Hand Hygiene Day will take place on 5th May 2023. As last year, the Semmelweis Foundation in cooperation with RED NOSES International would like to shine a light on the important issue of hand hygiene in general, but especially in the hospital environment.

Semmelweis & RED NOSES International Cooperation

The time has come – again. The international Hand Hygiene Day will take place on 5th May 2023. As last year, the Semmelweis Foundation in cooperation with RED NOSES International would like to shine a light on the important issue of hand hygiene in general, but especially in the hospital environment. Last year we have already worked with some hospitals, foremost in Vienna to promote the hand disinfection to avoid infections with MRDO (Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms).

Our Semmelweis song was accompanied by an amazing and funny choreography of the RED NOSES and was intended to create awareness for this essential topic for everyone who is at or stays in the hospital – whether small or large, young or old, healthy or sick.

Now we have recorded the song in English, too because we could win hospitals over from the Czech Republic and Poland to participate in the action besides Austria this year.

So, what will happen on 5th of May 2023?

The RED NOSES and the Semmelweis Foundation will be visiting different hospitals, singing the Semmelweis song and distribute samples of hand disinfection through our sponsor BBRaun.

That’s a good start – but with the Hand Hygiene Day and the importance of disinfection, it’s a bit like Valentine’s Day and the proof of love in a relationship – raising awareness and thinking about it only once a year is far too little. 

That’s why our goal is to create even more attention already before the 5th of May 2023, on the day itself and at best throughout the whole year and across all borders with the help of our Semmelweis song.

This is a call for all of you!

We would like to ask you to translate the text of our Semmelweis song into your national language. You want to get involved? Then please get in touch with us and sign up through the contact form.


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From Carinthia to Vienna

From the LKH Villach to the St. Josef Spital in Vienna, the professionals in “humorous health intervention” knew exactly how to reach their audience individually and created unforgettable moments. See for yourself in our gallery!  

Hands and humor: the perfect match!

Ivana Bacanovic, Managing Director of RED NOSES Clowndoctors explained why she didn’t even think twice when she was asked by the Semmelweis Foundation: “The well-being and health of the people we visit always have top priority for RED NOSES. Therefore, it is a matter of course to support the Semmelweis Foundation in its efforts around the topic of hospital hygiene. Thoroughly disinfecting one’s hands and only then going to the hospital is a constant routine for our clowns and staff. We are happy to do our part to remind everyone in the hospital environment of the need for proper hand hygiene. We firmly believe that a positive, fun experience is the best teacher and shows people how easily, and perhaps intuitively later, they can save lives that way themselves.”

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