Symposium for doctors, hygiene specialists, nursing staff and students
12.30 – 1.00 pm
1.00 – 1.20 pm | Welcoming Speech
Markus Müller, Rector of the Medical University of Vienna
Ágoston Szél, Rector of the Semmelweis University of Budapest
1.20 – 1.30 pm | Movie
„200 Years Semmelweis“
A movie filmed and produced by Carola Timmel, Simon Casetti,
Wolfgang Bledl and Lisa Lerchbacher.
1.30 – 1.45 pm | Speech
„Semmelweis – family ties and places of memory“
Tivadar Hüttl, Semmelweis University of Budapest
Great-great-grandchild of Ignaz Semmelweis
1.45 – 1.50 pm | Introduction of Didier Pittet
Manfred Rotter, Professor emeritus of the Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology,
Medical University of Vienna/Vienna General Hospital
1.50 – 2.45 pm | Keynote
„Ignaz Semmelweis: his impact on the current millennium“
Didier Pittet, Infection Control Program, University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine &
Lead Adviser, SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands, WHO Headquarter, Geneva
2.45 – 15.15 pm | Break
Exhibition: Semmelweis exhibits from the collections of the
Medical University of Vienna at the Josephinum
3.15 – 3.35 pm | Speech
„Hospital hygiene and infection control in the 21st century“
Elisabeth Presterl, Hygiene and Medical Microbiology,
Medical University of Vienna/Vienna General Hospital
3.35 – 3.55 pm | Speech
„Hygiene and precision medicine“
Magda Diab-El Schahawi, Hygiene and Medical Microbiology,
Medical University of Vienna/Vienna General Hospital
4.15 – 4.35 pm | Panel Discussion
„Semmelweis reflection: could it happen again?“
Anna Durnová, Political Scientist
Hans Härting, AssekuRisk Safety Management
Klaus Markstaller, Department of Anaesthesiology, General Intensive Care Medicine
and Pain Management, Medical University of Vienna/Vienna General Hospital
Markus Müller, Medical University of Vienna
Didier Pittet, University of Geneva and WHO
5.20 – 5.30 pm | Closing Speech
Bernhard Küenburg, Semmelweis Foundation
Hörsaalzentrum der MedUni Wien,
Medizinischer Universitätscampus AKH Wien
Hörsaal 1, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, 1090 Wien

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