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Review: Our 1st Semmelweis Talk about Humor

Semmelweis Talk 1 - 2022
In our first Semmelweis Talk "Humor as Success Factor in Hospital Hygiene" Monica Culen (Red Noses) and Didier Pittet (WHO) gave interesting insights in their work.

This was our first Semmelweis Talk: Humor as success factor.

We are very proud and grateful for the great popularity and the many participants of our first Semmelweistalk on 10th of May 2022.

Our regular talks are intended to connect and exchange employees in the medical sector and all interested parties. Together with experts, we would like to draw attention to the essential topic of hand hygiene in hospitals and present strategies for implementing it even better. We want to support our community with practical examples and create awareness.

Our special thanks go above all to our contributors:

– Bernhard Küenburg (President of the Semmelweis)

– Johannes Culen (Secretary General of the Semmelweis Foundation)

– Prof. Didier Pittet (WHO & Honorary President of the Semmelweis Foundation)

– Monica Culen (Executive Director and Founder of RED NOSES Clowndoctors International)

Bernhard Küenberg personally introduced our new Secretary General, Johannes Culen, and guided the talk.

Prof Didier Pittet gave many examples and possibilities to spread more humour in the hospital sector and not to lose it. It is a matter of concern to him to make the important and serious topic of hand hygiene present and to recall it again and again through different humorous games or cartoons. Through his practical examples, Prof. Pittet shows how to introduce his team to the topic in a humorous way, how to train them, how to optimize processes and how to implement them. Whether team challenges or other rituals that are part of the team culture and support hand hygiene are welcome, especially if they are spiced with a portion of humour.

Monica Culen took us on a journey from the very beginning of RED NOSES Clowndoctors to the worldwide association that is active in so many countries around the world. They bring laughter and humour to what can be a scary environment for many patients, especially children. Dressed up, with red noses, in clown costumes and numerous tricks in their luggage, a small team of artists travels through the hospitals and makes the young and older patients forget their pain and worries for this time and usually for longer.

The Semmelweis talk was underpinned by numerous sample videos and our specially composed Semmelweis song has been performed by the Red Noses Clowndoctors on Hand Hygiene Day.

In the discussion that followed, the aspects between music, humour, endorphins and chemical reactions in the body and their connections were highlighted. The topics of burnout and shortage of skilled workers were also discussed and everyone agreed: with humour and a good mood, many tasks are easier to manage and prevent many things such as mental illness.

Afterwards, questions from the participants were still answered, including the question: „Should humour be part of the training of hospital staff to give you a tool in communication and thus a way to deal with stress efficiently?“ The answer to these questions and how to implement the pudding game and what it has to do with hand hygiene can be found in our video of the first Semmelweis Talk.

Join our second Semmelweis Talk and learn more about winning the Hand Hygiene Excellence Award!

We are already preparing for the second Semmelweis Talk and would be happy if you also participate and register here.

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