Resumee 3rd CEE wide Semmelweis conference on hospital hygiene

Quotations and Highlights from two days of exciting lectures and discussions   Urgent action is required with respect to antibiotic resistance We have to leverage the potential of entire teams – this requires leadership There is a fire in our house! Economic nonsense: curing a disease instead of preventing it Cost of diagnostics should be […]

Which came first – the antibiotic or the resistance? How infection control and MRSA are related

What challenges do we have to face in relation to MRSA? We asked one of the most profound experts in this field, Dr. Fred Tenover, Vice President for Scientific Affairs at Cepheid and Consulting Professor at the University of Stanford. His most important message in this context: infection control works! Mr. Tenover, your publication on […]

Participants at the 2nd CEE Conference on hospital Hygiene and Patient Safety in 2017 on stage

Interdisciplinarity as a Key for Successful Infection Control and Antibiotic Stewardship

Interdisciplinarity is the key for successful infection control and antibiotic stewardship in hospitals. The Semmelweis Foundation met with Dr. Agnes Wechsler-Fördös and Prof. Ojan Assadian, two experts in this field in Austria, to discuss its importance. Despite her retirement in 2018, Dr. Agnes Wechsler-Fördös continues to be highly active. The reason is simple, says the […]

Dr. Sebastian Schulz-Stübner

KRINKO: The new recommendations can easily be summarized as “form follows function”

The revision of the recommendations for SSI-prevention is one of the most important patient safety recommendations released in 2018. What are the major novelties? We asked Dr. Sebastian Schulz-Stübner, Chief Physician at the German Consulting Centre for Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control and Consultant in Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control. The KRINKO-recommendation for the prevention […]