The only MRSA-free hospital in Austria?

The “Vienna North Hospital”, one of the largest and most modern hospitals in Europe, opened in June 2019. A few months before the opening, an Open House was hosted – flanked by a lot of postings and readers’ letters online and in the media. Among them was a very provocative one titled “The only MRSA-free […]

Welcome to ICPIC Presentation

ICPIC 2019 – An exciting pile of information

Again, the 5th annual International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control offered a wide range of lectures. About 1,000 participants from all over the world took the opportunity for exchange and further education on topics such as “Social aspects in infection control implementation” or “Outbreaks and late breakers”. One lecture offered the chance to compare […]

The nursing profession needs to be strengthened continuously

Michael Magnus Wagner is academic teacher of nursing and nursing scientist in Austria (Academy of continuing education in nursing-Vienna Hospital Association). Coincidentally, his office is housed in the former gynecology – a few steps away from the Semmelweis memorial. He often catches sight of the monument, which underpins his conviction that the nursing profession needs […]

Staying up-to-date with the L&R Academy: How HCPs benefit from the L&R partner program

Healthcare professionals must always be up to date – also with regard to products and devices that are constantly renewed and updated for a better patient outcome or user comfort. Wound care is one of the most complex and most sensitive topics, as wounds might fail to heal or reoccur when the underlying disease is […]

Patient empowerment in infection prevention: We all desire simple cooking recipe solutions – but they simply do not exist

Healthcare germs are posing an ever-increasing hazard. Measures to control and prevent their transmission to patients are primarily concentrated on the medical staff today. However, the idea of involving the patient into preventive safety activities such as adhering to certain rules is increasing. “Regretfully, the matter is more complex than assumed”, says Ojan Assadian, President […]

Hans Härting

To be or not to be safe, that’s the question!

Patient safety should be at the core of doctors’ work. Hans Härting, who has been working in the aviation industry for more than thirty years, educates healthcare workers about the detail-oriented procedures in his field. He is convinced that they could equally benefit from one another. Hans Härting, Captain at Austrian Airlines, is responsible for […]

Keeping it sanitary – from Semmelweis’ time until today

The Swiss expert Prof. Dr. Didier Pittet stressed the substantial meaning of hand hygiene in hospitals once again at the third CEE Conference on Hospital Hygiene and Patient Safety. Not paying attention to the field of hospital hygiene can lead to disastrous impacts. Prof. Dr. Didier Pittet, Director of the Infection Control Programme and WHO […]

The WHO guidelines are clear – we just have to implement them!

“I wish that we soon do not need the Hand Hygiene Day anymore“- This was one of the audience’s statements at the symposium on the occasion of the International Hand Hygiene Day (5th May). Although there are a lot of enthusiasts, we are still far away from achieving this goal. The symposium, hosted by the […]

Hospital Hygiene in Hungary: The implementation of daily work is lagging behind!

„Bringing hand hygiene to the national level – the case of Hungary“: The Co-Founder and CEO of HandInScan, is cautiously optimistic that the situation will improve. What is the current situation like in Hungarian hospitals when it comes to hygiene? Over the past two years, a lot of attention was paid to hospital-acquired infections, which […]

Infection Control in the CEE: A Brief Review

Education, training and staff increases: Many challenges in Infection Control remain to be tackled, concurred representatives of CEE countries at the 3rd CEE Conference on Hospital Hygiene and Patient Safety in Vienna. A specific session was based on a publication on Infection Control which included contributions of national reference centers in the 18 CEE countries. […]