Social media becomes more and more important – also in the field of infection prevention

With Social Media we can target the people we want to speak to, says Prof. Didier Pittet, director of the WHO Collaborating Centre on Patient Safety. With him spoke Carola Timmel at the congress. Mr. Pittet, why social media became so important also in the field of hospital hygiene and infection control? Social Media is […]

The situation in the Netherlands is not good because they did what they thought, but because they communicated with others

Prof. Andreas Voss is convinced that communication is one of the most important factors in infection prevention. With him spoke Carola Timmel at the Congress …. Mr. Voss, the infection rate in the Netherlands is low. What are the Dutch hospitals doing better than the most hospitals in other countries? First of all, it has […]

It’s a wonderful opportunity to exchange thoughts with my colleagues about infection control and about what happens now and what will happen in the future

Does surveillance improve the communication about Infection Control problems in hospitals? This was the subject Dr. Petra Gastmeier (Charité Berlin) was speaking on at the 2nd Semmelweis CEE Conference in Budapest. Carola Timmel interviewed her about this issue and her impressions of the conference. Mrs. Gastmeier, in your lecture you mentioned the well-known and important […]

We have to go to zero, zero point zero zero… !

Do you have an idea, who is the author of this phrase? Exactly! It’s none other than our name giver Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis (quoted by Didier Pittet). The President of the Semmelweis Foundation, Dr. Bernhard Küenburg has collected some really catchy quotations and statements from two days of exciting lectures and discussions at the Conference […]