Semmelweis Foundation – Review 2017 and Outlook 2018

The year 2017 is coming to a close and we would like to share the most important highlights of this very active year as well as planned activities for 2018 with you. After the successful second Semmelweis CEE Conference in Budapest (March 7-8), all our efforts are now concentrated on the preparation of our symposium […]

We slowly learn that if we want to get out of the vicious circle, there is no other way but to act!

In two weeks we are celebrating the World Antibiotic Awareness Week (13-19 Nov.). On the occasion of this event we made some interviews with representatives of CEE-countries (where antibiotic misuse is still a big issue). Read our first interview with Dr Andreea Moldovan (St. Constantin Hospital Romania). Andreea, do you celebrate the Antibiotic Awareness Week […]

EU countries should better uniform AMR monitoring in livestock and link them better to surveillance systems in humans

Comparing AMR surveillance programs from livestock and human health in Europe. That was the objective of a recently published review. We interviewed author Dr Remco Schrijver. One of the tables of the review (table 3) shows that no information could be retrieved from Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Romania and Slovakia (reporting of national antimicrobial testing in […]

Engineered to kill germs in seconds

Breaking the transmission chain: This was the aim of the scientists, who have developed a novel weapon in the battle against hospital-acquired infections: a textile (designed to be used on hospital doors) that disinfects itself. A study into the effectiveness of the new technology has just been published in the Journal of Hospital Infection (Oct, […]

Hand hygiene compliance – are we kidding ourselves?

“We’re kidding ourselves relating hand hygiene compliance”, said Dr Jon Otter in one of his recently published posts on his blog “Reflections on Infection Prevention and Control”. We asked the epidemiologist (focused on Infection Prevention and Control at Imperial College London) how one should and can deal with this issue. Dr. Otter, the discussion about the […]

Register now for the 5th International Course on Implementation in Infection Control!

For the fifth time, the University of Geneva Hospitals and Imperial College, London organize the “International Course on Implementation in Infection Control” (10th – 11th October 2017; registration deadline is Satuarday, 30th September). An interview with Dr Walter Zingg (Senior Physician, Infection Control Programme, University of Geneva Hospitals) about the contents of the course. In […]

First Antimicrobial Resistance Benchmark – How will it work?

In August, the Access to Medicine Foundation published a methodology for the first Antimicrobial Resistance Benchmark. This is the first independently developed framework for analysing how the pharmaceutical industry can limit AMR. We interviewed Jayasree K. Iyer (Executive Director) about how the Benchmark will work and what expects her team to find out. First of […]

Dr. Chris Knight

AMR is rising rather in “lonely” bacteria

Lonely bacteria are nearly ten times as likely to mutate to resist antibiotics as those living in dense populations – this is the topic of a recently published study in the PLOS journal. We interviewed the senior author of the study, Dr Chris Knight from the University of Manchester. It is very interesting to read […]

Dr. Enrique Castro-Sánchez

AMR: an interdisciplinary project, including design and visualisation to imagine the implications of antibiotic loss

Antimicrobial Resistance research projects have different faces. We want to present an exceptional one, that includes design and visualisation. An interview with Dr. Enrique Castro-Sánchez, Academic Research Nurse at the NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Healthcare Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance…. Using various approaches including design and visualisation to imagine the implications of antibiotic […]

SPARK – toward a Shared Platform for Antibiotic Research and Knowledge

To stimulate the development of innovative antibiotics in the battle against drug-resistant bacteria, the Pew Charitable Trusts announced that it will create a digital platform (SPARK = Shared Platform for Antibiotic Research and Knowledge). This platform allows researchers to share data, ideas and insights. An interview with Kathy Talkington, director of Pew’s antibiotic-resistance project. I […]