Both hands (prescribing antibiotics and desinfecting hands) are a kind of Yin&Yang of the MDRO-prevention!

Why are cross-border initiatives in the fight against AMR so important? We asked Prof. Alexander Friedrich, chair of the Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention, University Groningen. The initiator of the current EurSafety project is dealing with this item since the late 90s, when studies showed, that the prevalence rates of MRSA in countries […]

Hospital superbug CPE: Over the last two years the epidemiological situation worsened

A recently published report from Eurosurveillance (Nov. 12) about carbapenemase producing enterobacteriaceae (CPE) in Europe states: Cases of this germs are showing a sharp rise. About details concerning this study we asked Dr. Thomas Hauer, medical director of the German consulting centre for hygiene in Freiburg. Mr. Hauer, what does carbapenemase producing mean exactly, and are […]

European Antibiotic Awareness Day: This year we focus on prescribing habits!

The European Antibiotic Awareness Day is taking place today – November, 18. Aim of this initiative is, to make the people aware of Antibiotic Resistance and its negative effects. With DDr. Reinhild Strauss from the Austrian ministry of health spoke Carola Timmel. The European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD) is an initiative of the European Centre […]

Even the best hospitals around the world fall considerably short in their efforts to protect antibiotic effectiveness for patients

A recently in The Lancet Infectious Diseases published study estimates the potential impact of antibiotic resistance on common surgery and cancer procedures. The surgery is painting a grim picture. With Ramanan Laxminarayan, co-author oft he study and director of the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP) spoke Carola Timmel. The declining effectiveness of […]

Economist Jim O'Neill

Antimicrobial resistance: Jim O’Neill calls for new rapid diagnostics

Rapid diagnostic tools are needed to fix antibiotic crisis: This ist the central message of a report recently published (October, 23) by the Review on Antimicrobial Resistance, chaired by Jim O’Neill. The paper with the title Rapid diagnostics: Stopping unnecessary use of antibiotics is an extensive compendium of valuable suggestions. “To avoid the tragedy of […]

Study: There is no significant difference in bactericidal activity between plain soap and antibacterial soap!

There is no significant difference in bactericidal activity between plain soap and antibacterial soap: This was the conclusion of a recently presented scientific review, that we want to present on the occasion of the Global Handwashing Day (October, 15). With Dr. Taejin Cho, member of the researching team, spoke Carola Timmel. The beginning of the […]

Refugees: which medical challenges we have to face?

A potential danger due to a reactivation of latent tuberculosis infection is mentioned in the current epidemiological bulletin of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Could this lead to a problem – and which medical challenges we have to face else in relation to the refugee issue? We asked Dr. Rainer Löb, Federal Doctor of Malteser […]

Hand hygiene on the Vienna central station

Only a few weeks old – but working very professionally: We are talking about the initiative train of hope, helping since summer 2015 on the Vienna central station – one of the most important places in Austria in terms of the current refugee support. In all the hustle (cooking meals etc.) great importance is also […]

ECDC: Migrants entering Europe are in general healthy and are not bringing new or exotic diseases with them!

Possible infection diseases due to the streams of refugees: This is a very delicate item and there are differing views on it. How is the situation really? Which infectious diseases are already/ resp. could be a problem in the future for Europe? Which challenges we will have to face? We enquired at the European Centre for […]

Study shows: 85 percent of hospital running costs are fixed and cannot be recouped by preventing a healthcare-associated infection!

HAIs have a huge economic burden. In a report from the WHO and also according to a report from the ECDC, these infections account for approximately €7 billion per year in Europe. Cost reduction by preventing HAIs is the aspired aim. But according to a study, 85 percent of hospital running costs are fixed and […]