Negotiating Truth – Wiener Forschungsprojekt orientiert sich an Semmelweis

Der 13. August ist der Todestag von Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis. Anlässlich dieses Datums möchte die Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis Gesellschaft über ein interessantes Wiener Forschungsprojekt berichten, das eng mit dem berühmten Mediziner verbunden ist. Mit der Projektleiterin, Politwissenschaftlerin Anna Durnowá sprach Carola Timmel. Was ist Wahrheit – diese zentrale Frage steht im Zentrum des Forschungsprojekts „Negotiating […]

Aktuelle Studie schätzt: Bis 2050 könnte 50 Millionen Menschen pro Jahr an Folgen von resistenten Keimen sterben.

Die Rate der resistenten Keime ist international im Steigen begriffen und könnte innerhalb weniger Jahrzehnte von derzeit 700.000 auf 50 Millionen Todesopfer pro Jahr ansteigen, zeigt eine kürzlich veröffentlichte, britische Studie. Gefährliche Erreger aller Art wie etwa Tuberkulose- oder Darmbakterien werden immer widerstandsfähiger gegen bestehende Antibiotika. Um die Folgen der Entwicklung besser einschätzen zu können, […]

Raymond Lustig

It was obstetrician Ignaz Semmelweis who first busted the silo to work with pathological anatomy, and then busted the silo even more dramatically in working with midwives!

Nice feedbacks regarding the issue (Silo Busting) of our 3rd CEE Semmelweis Conference (March 12-13, 2019) are coming not only from the healthcare community, but from people who are deeply involved in the Semmelweis story. I was especially touched by the feedback of Raymond Lustig, composer of the great Semmelweis opera: “It was obstetrician Ignaz […]

3rd Semmelweis CEE Hygiene Conference (12 and 13 March 2019) – “Silo Busting – We urgently need more interdisciplinarity in our fragmented healthcare system”

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased to announce that the 3rd Semmelweis CEE Hygiene Conference will take place on 12 and 13 March 2019 in Vienna. Please save the dates! The 2019 Conference will be focusing on “Silo Busting – We urgently need more interdisciplinarity in our fragmented healthcare system”. Too often hospital departments […]

ASH on Tour

ASH (Initiative clean hands) on tour

Wonderful initiative in Germany, initiated by Aktion “Saubere Hände” (clean hands): Only until October 30, a bus is touring through the country (ASH on tour), with the aim to create awareness for the important issue of “hand hygiene”. Today it stops in Freiburg – place of the Infectiology- and Hygiene Congress (October 10-12), initiated by […]

Bernhard Küenburg with disinfectant fluid

From good science to misinformation

Good research often falls victim to misinterpretation or distortion: This shows a recently published article (September 2018, Didier Pittet et al.) in The Lancet . The authors cite a series of articles (The Guardian, Reuters et al.) which misinterpret a recently published study in Science (Aug, 2018, Sacha J. Pidot et al.). How could that happen? […]

Student in front of the Semmelweis Statue

1st SEM-Talk – Interview with medical student Jürgen Alphonsus on hospital hygiene

Our first SEM-Talk was just put online. Take a look at our youtube-video showing an interview with the medical student Jürgen Alphonsus from Vienna. He shares his first experiences with hygiene in hospitals: “During my work in the field of surgery in hospitals where hygiene is of utmost importance, I was positively surprised. The majority […]

Antibiotic Pills reserve

Increasing resistance to important antibiotics of last resort – But the reserve of those drugs also often does not work

Germs with resistance to important antibiotics of last resort are detected in a growing number of hospital patients in Germany. This shows the data from a report of the National Reference Center for Gram-negative Pathogens (NRZ) of the Ruhr-University Bochum, recently published by the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin. We interviewed Dr. Niels Pfennigwerth about […]

Anna Durnova at the Semmelweis Symposium

If you want to read a really good book – read this one!

Did you have time to dedicate yourself to a really good read this summer? If not, we would like to recommend Anna Durnovas book “Ignaz Semmelweis – Pioneer of Hygiene” (published 2015 in German, Residenz Verlag) for two reasons. First – the book is much associated with the year 2018 (Ignaz Semmelweis was born on […]

Dr. Judit Pako and colleagues sitting on the park bench

Ohhhh how great! Will we have these hand rub holders? At this moment we knew that alcohol at the point of care was an old unmet need!

The Hungarian initiative jobbulást! (=get well!) started its first campaign which targets the development of hand hygiene. “Reduction of nosocomial infections is a crucial need in Hungary”, says Dr. Judit Pako, MD board chief of jobbulást. We asked her about the aims and projects of the initiative… Judit, when did the Jobbulást! initiative start existing? […]